The team behind the RetroArch front-end used with emulators, game engines and media players have announced that it will be getting proper hardware accelerated video decoding soon.
Adding a little extra visual enhancement to games on Linux is getting more interesting, with the help of the Vulkan post-processing layer vkBasalt which has a new build up.
The Lutris team announced yesterday that Epic Games have now awarded them a sum of money from the Epic MegaGrants pot.
They say Wine improves with age, well my puns certainly don't get any better so you can relax as this week I'm all out of juice for the release of Wine 4.21.
Managing games across multiple stores, emulators and compatibility layers doesn't need to be a hassle. Lutris takes the majority of that annoyance away and a big new release is now available.
Just over two weeks after the first, the second Beta for the big upcoming Godot Engine 3.2 release is now available.
Good news for Godot Engine, as they have another company supporting their work on the free and open source game engine.
Continuing to boost the feature set of the post-processing layer for vkBasalt, a new release is up and it appears we missed a few smaller in-between releases too.
DXVK continues maturing with another exciting sounding release now available with DXVK 1.4.5, bringing in some performance improvements and plenty of bug fixes.
OpenRA, the free and open source game engine to bring classic Command & Conquer titles like Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Dune 2000 and eventually Tiberian Sun to modern systems has a big new release up.
Want an easy way to view, lock and unlock Steam Achievements on Linux? SamRewritten seems like a very handy application to do all of that and more.
Wine, that wonderful software that enables you to run Windows-only software on games on Linux has a new release out with Wine 4.20. Nice.
I will admit this is quite a surprise, Red Eclipse is a first-person shooter I haven't seen mentioned in a long time and it seems they're closing in on a big revamped release with Red Eclipse 2.
The team behind the FOSS game engine, Godot Engine, have now released the first Beta in the 3.2 series so the full release is coming close now with lots of new goodies for game developers.
The team behind the free and open source game engine, Godot Engine, have another progress report to share on Vulkan support coming to Godot Engine 4.0. Plus, they have a new Code of Conduct.
Wine, the glorious bit of software that enables people to use Windows applications and various Windows-only games on Linux has another new bottle opened up.
Today, The Khronos Group announced their newest Vulkan initiative with the Unified Samples Repository. A new place to find what they say are high-quality Vulkan code samples reviewed by their team.
Creating dialogue in your games with GDevelop just got a lot more advanced, as the team have integrated the Yarn Dialogue editor into their FOSS game engine.
It's not just OpenTTD having a new release lately, as the seriously classic C-Dogs SDL also has a big new build to run and gun through.
Based on the absolute classic Transport Tycoon Deluxe, the free and open source OpenTTD has a major new release build out that's in need of some testing.
Showing 2000 to 2020 of 2730 entries found.